Published March 11th 2025

Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand has launched a new eReferral form for Vietnam veterans undertaking their Annual Medical Assessment (AMA).

Vietnam veterans are eligible for the free AMA, which can be carried out by their GP and is funded by Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand.

More than 3,000 New Zealand military and civilian personnel served in Vietnam between 1963 and 1975.

The AMA assesses the physical and mental health and wellbeing of Vietnam veterans, many of whom were exposed to a toxic environment resulting in long-term health problems.

The results of the AMA are reviewed by Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand and medical treatment and costs are covered for any conditions related to time served in the war.


New form makes it easier to access services

Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand principal clinical advisor Dr Mike O’Reilly says the new National form makes it easier for veterans to access services through a regular review.

“The process of submitting the AMA is now much easier, faster and more secure, which benefits both veterans and GPs.”

Mike says that in the past the process was paper based, which was time-consuming and involved a lot of back and forth.

“The hard copy form was sent to the veteran, they had to fill it out and take it to their GP, the GP had to fill it out then hand it back to the veteran who had to then send it to us.”

He says this was onerous for veterans and difficult for GPs.

Now the GP simply fills out the AMA electronically, with all the necessary documents attached, and sends it directly to Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand.

“The more information, and more complete information we have, the easier and quicker it is to process the form and get the support to our veterans.”


Building AMA into care plan beneficial

Mike says many veterans are concerned about the ongoing effects of the war on their health.

“It was a very inhospitable environment. Many were exposed to toxins such as Agent Orange and the impact on their health is a major concern,” he says.

“The AMA is a way for veterans, and us, to be able to longitudinally respond to changes in their health and support them.”

Mike says there is great value in GPs asking patients if they’ve ever served in the New Zealand Defence Force.

“If they are Vietnam veterans, then having a conversation about the AMA and building that into their care plan is hugely beneficial.”


How to send a Vietnam Veterans Annual Medical Assessment eReferral

The Veterans Affairs Annual Medical Assessment eReferral is located on the HealthLink Hub page under the Referred Services Section.

This eReferral is available to GPs nationwide.

  • Open the patient record
  • Select the HL Icon to access the HealthLink Hub page
  • Click on service – Veterans Affairs – Vietnam Veterans AMA to launch the form.