Published June 17th 2021

Nandish Chiropractic in East Auckland has come a long way since it opened its doors in 2015.

It’s now one of the city’s largest chiropractic clinics with six chiropractors specialising in different fields.

E-Referrals to Nandish Chiropractic can be made using CareSelect.

Nandish Chiropractic has five departments: the Spinal Clinic, Headache and Migraine Clinic, Concussion Clinic, Pregnancy Clinic, and Paediatric Clinic.

Nandish Chiropractic founder and principal chiropractor Karen Singh says she loves helping people thrive by encouraging a proactive, holistic approach to healthcare.

Dr Singh has a keen interest in complex and chronic pain, spinal disc compression and stress. She also runs wellness classes teaching patients how to manage stress effectively.

“Chiropractic care is a proven and effective way to align the spine and nervous system to operate at its optimum potential,” she says.

Three-step process

Each new patient goes through a three-step process.

“They have an extensive health history check, physical assessment (postural, range of motion, orthopaedic, neurologic and spinal), and a report of findings with clinical diagnosis and a care plan tailored to the patient’s needs. We believe education and empowerment is key in the healing and recovery process,” says Dr Singh.

“We like to help people understand why things are happening and what they can do to help themselves. We also focus on stress and the effects it has on the body and functionality. The body is like a car – it won’t function as well as one that gets regularly serviced.”

Dr Singh says a common issue is device use and changes in the spinal curve due to an increased load on the neck and spinal nerves causing poor posture, headaches and premature degeneration.

“We help realign their posture, educate them about spinal ergonomics and where their screens should be to be proactive and avoid future problems.”

She says people sometimes confuse chiropractors with physiotherapists.

“Physiotherapists focus on injury rehabilitation, whereas chiropractors focus on the underlying issues with the neck, back and nervous system.”

Dr Singh says her team regularly holds workshops with health practitioners to explain what chiropractors do.

How to refer to Nandish Chiropractic:

  • open the patient record
  • select the HealthLink icon
  • use the CareSelect search bar, type “Nandish Chiropractic”
  • click “Compose Referral”.